Asset CleanUp Pro Performance Plugin
For maximum page speed results, use it in conjunction with a caching plugin. Asset CleanUp Pro Performance Plugin premium allows you to unload unused styles and scripts on additional pages such as:
- Taxonomy pages, such as WordPress default categories, tags, and custom ones, such as WooCommerce product categories.
- Author pages (e.g. the page that shows all posts published by a specific author, detected via the is_author() function)
- WordPress Default Search Page
- WooCommmerce search page (which has the same settings as the actual shop page detected via the is_shop() function)
- 404 Page (Not Found) – This has been kept as light as possible and is less likely to cause a lot of CSS and JavaScript files to be needed here (detected via the is_404() function)
- Date Archive Page – This is any page that retrieves articles filtered by date, detected via the is_date() function
Asset CleanUp Pro Performance Plugin is here
As for loaded JavaScript files, attributes such as defer and async can be applied
There are a large number of techniques that are often used to defer parsing; however, the simplest and most preferred technique is to simply defer loading JavaScript until it is needed. If this technique is not appropriate to use on your page, it is suggested below that you use the attribute donde sea apropiado, que evita que el análisis bloquee la carga de la página inicial al diferirlo hasta que el hilo de la interfaz de usuario del navegador no esté ocupado haciendo algo más.
All these settings can be applied with Asset CleanUp Pro Performance Plugin without writing any code
Change the location of CSS/JS files (can be moved from HEAD to BODY to avoid render blocking or vice versa if you need specific files to be triggered early)
Download hard-coded CSS/JS (not loaded via standard WordPress functions like wp_enqueue_scripts()). LINK/STYLE/SCRIPT tags could have been added via editing PHP code (without using correct WordPress action hooks), directly inside post content, widgets, or via plugins like “Insert Headers and Footers”, “Header, Footer & Post Injections”, etc.
And much more is possible with Asset CleanUp Pro Performance
Get Asset CleanUp Pro Performance Plugin today.