Important:This is a fairly complex product to activate, so it may take some time for the process to take place. If you are not willing or able to wait a little while when it is necessary, please do not purchase this product.
PeepSo WPAdverts Integration Addon
WPAdverts is a lightweight plugin that allows you to create a beautiful classified ads site in minutes.
Running a classified ads site on your own can be a challenge. However, adding classified ads to your existing Community can be a fantastic feat, because then you can have the best of both worlds.
The basis of PeepSo WPAdverts Integration Addon
All communities, and especially those that revolve around specific topics, have the innate potential to be monetized by their administrators. If you have a community that revolves around a certain lifestyle, you can give them the opportunity to buy/sell your items that support or represent that lifestyle, tools, and anything else they might need or want to acquire.
You, as a community manager, can charge your members for providing the place where they can post such announcements interactively, so that everyone benefits.
PeepSo WPAdverts Integration Addon Design
PeepSo WPAdverts Integration Addon has been designed with one particular goal in mind: seamless integration of classified ads within the PeepSo community. The design of the ads and the way they are displayed blends fabulously with user profiles, ad posts in the stream, and wherever you want to place them on your website.
This plugin requires at least PeepSo Core and WPAdverts plugins to work.
Get PeepSo WPAdverts Integration Addon now.