WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit
With WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit, easily create bulk discounts, product variations, change stock, edit attributes, change product image in your WooCommerce store.
Products and variations are displayed in a spreadsheet-like table and can be edited in bulk or in individual cells.
WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit Advanced Features:
- Filter products by title, category, attributes, regular and sale price, SKU, tags, long and short descriptions, product status, quantity and stock status, product type, shipping class, post author, length, width, height and weight.
- Add, prepend, and replace text in text fields (in bulk).
- Increase/decrease by value/percentage (bulk).
- Generate sales price from regular (bulk).
- Set, add, remove categories/attributes (in bulk).
- Copy values from one field to another (in bulk).
- Complete the /SKU (numbers)/ series.
- Show/hide product fields (columns).
- Create products and variations.
- Create variations for multiple products at once.
- Create new categories and attribute terms.
- Delete products/variations.
- Optionally delete images from the server when you permanently delete products.
- Powerful selection manager: select products through search conditions.
- Modified fields can be reverted to the original values (before saving).
- WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit has Custom Metafield Support (Text, Number, Checkbox and Select - Bulk Editable, Arrays or Objects not supported).
- Find custom meta fields from third-party plugins.
- Custom Taxonomy Support – Bulk Editing
- Editable attributes as different columns.
- Linked editing of selected products (rapid mass editing).
- Customizable product limit, support for large stores.
- Optional variation recovery.
- Save and load sets (views) of product fields (columns).
- Export products to a csv file /for viewing purposes only, not for importing/.
- Visual mark on modified cells.
- Translation support. Built-in translations: Bulgarian, Spanish, Swedish, French, Russian, Italian
Get WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit Now!