Import: The importing of eBay orders does not work.
WP-Lister Pro for eBay
List WordPress Products on eBay
The WP-Lister Pro plugin for eBay connects your WooCommerce site with your eBay store. You can select multiple products directly from your WooCommerce Products page, select a profile to apply a set of predefined options, and list them all on eBay in just a few clicks.
We worked hard to make WP-Lister Pro Plugin for eBay easy to use yet flexible. The item listing workflow doesn't require a single click more than necessary. Because of its tight integration into WordPress, you'll feel right at home.
WP-Lister Pro for eBay Plugin Features:
- Manage any number of WP listings
- Set up a profile once and apply it to multiple products
- Check items and get expected listing fees
- Sync inventory between eBay and WordPress
- Create eBay Orders in WooCommerce
- Choose eBay categories and your eBay store
- Map your custom categories to eBay categories
- Domestic and international shipping options
- Supports calculated shipping services
- Better Offer Options and Private Listings
- Support for product variations
- Unique feature to split variations into individual items
- Create custom ad templates using the WordPress post editor
- Built-in template editor with HTML/CSS syntax highlighting
- The template engine supports color pickers, custom php code and more
- Download and upload list templates as zip files
Get WP-Lister Pro for eBay now.