Modal Survey Poll Survey And Quiz
Modal Survey Poll Survey And Quiz Plugin provides an opportunity to listen to your visitors' voice through attention-grabbing polls. Unlimited polls, questions, and answers help to get any information and then display it through stunning progress bars, beautiful pie charts, or simple text display formats.
Modal Survey Poll Survey And Quiz can visualize all questions in the same graph to show aggregated survey results. It should be perfect for checking the effectiveness of a support team or any other company activity.
Modal Survey Poll Survey And Quiz Plugin is GDPR Compliant
Trivia Quiz one of the most popular quiz styles today on social media. The idea behind this poll is to get a lot of traffic, especially from Facebook. Modal Survey Poll Survey And Quiz offers a share button to post individual quiz results with a specific image on Facebook based on the answers.
With this type of BuzzFeed test, which uses personal content, your website traffic can quickly increase without spending a lot of money on advertising.
Increasing sales with product recommendation surveys is easy.
Modal Survey Poll Survey And Quiz supports conditional statements, which allow you to display a specific message or redirect the browser to any page based on the scores of the survey answers.
Modal Survey Poll Survey And Quiz supports business assessment tests or even personality tests with categories, which can be displayed in different types of charts. Both answers and questions can be organized into categories, then the chart will display the results based on the category scores.
What you needed
Entertaining your visitors with a quiz could also be a great option for creating pages, which will likely be shared on social media including Facebook or Google Plus. The quiz timer can be set as a general quiz timer or a question timer to make your quiz more exciting.
The customization features of Modal Survey Poll Survey And Quiz plugin allow to create unlimited styles of WordPress polls, surveys and quizzes with many settings and options. Width and position can be specified simply with a slider and colors with a color picker.
This WordPress survey type can be seen below, using 40% of the total width, but you can set it to any size and position around the screen, including at the top, middle or bottom of the page. Visual Builder helps you in the admin to design an engaging survey and attract your customers to vote instantly with your modern AJAX-based WordPress survey.
In addition, several special features extend the usability of the survey for purposes personalized
Combine the lock screen with the closable setting to force users to complete the survey or simply use the first option only to highlight your survey to visitors.
It also gives you the ability to appear in the WordPress poll, when the visitor almost reaches the end of the page with the mouse scroll. This special event gives you smart control of how your users encounter the poll at first glance.
Modal Survey Poll Survey And Quiz plugin provides many more features that help you save time and achieve your goals.
The survey can appear for users all at once, you can set it to appear once for users who have already completed it, or it can simply appear in all cases. Trigger the survey with different user interactions, such as clicking a link, scrolling to the bottom of the page, or even scrolling to a specific part of the page.
Each quiz can be closed, or you can force users to complete the survey in exchange for the content behind the survey. Modal Survey – WordPress Polls, Surveys & Quizzes plugin can be really helpful in getting feedback on your posts, including even a simple customer satisfaction questionnaire at the end of posts.
And much more!!!
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