Unero Minimalist AJAX Theme 2.2.2

Author Themeforest

The original price was: $41.00.The current price is: $5.99.

Publication date: 30 / 12 / 2024
Version: 2.2.2
Author's Site: Go to Site
Changelog: View

Unero Minimalist AJAX Theme

Unero Minimalist AJAX Theme es un tema de WordPress AJAX WooCommerce limpio y minimalista para comprar en tiendas en línea. Con un diseño mínimo y un enfoque en los productos, el tema Unero AJAX WooCommerce hará que su tienda en línea se vea más impresionante y atractiva para los espectadores.

Ayude a aumentar la alta tasa de conversación para comprar productos con sus clientes tan rápidamente. Este tema Unero Minimalist AJAX Theme es adecuado para muchos sitios web de comercio electrónico, como tiendas de moda, tiendas de muebles, tiendas de decoración, etc.

Unero Minimalist AJAX Theme está Totalmente Integrado con WooCommerce

Además, el tema Unero Minimalist AJAX Theme está integrado con WooCommerce, muchos complementos con muchas características, mini carrito, widgets personalizados, esquemas de color ilimitados, control deslizante con efectos de transición suave, menú con múltiples estilos de columna y widgets avanzados … Puede controlar este tema para hacer su tienda más amigable y adorable para sus clientes.

Powerful eCommerce functionality

Unero Minimalist AJAX Theme fue creado para WooCommerce, la solución de comercio electrónico más popular para WordPress, que le ayuda a vender cualquier cosa en línea, productos para envío, archivos virtuales o digitales.

  • Sell ​​simple or variable products
  • Sell ​​digital/downloadable products
  • Sell ​​external/affiliate products
  • Built-in order tracking system
  • Complex tax and shipping options
  • Fully responsive design;
  • Customers can rate/review products
  • Unlimited categories and subcategories
  • Filter products (e.g. by size, color, etc.)
  • Powerful store management
  • Built-in coupon system
  • Gain valuable insights from store reports
  • Easy Shipping Calculator
  • SEO optimized
  • Optional wish list

Características de Unero Minimalist AJAX Theme

  • 15 predefined home pages
  • Visual composer included
  • 4 header designs
  • 5 footer designs
  • Import demo content with one click
  • Fully compatible with WooCommerce
  • Unlimited store design
  • Compatible adhesive header
  • Instagram Store
  • Fully AJAX filter
  • Ajax Add to Cart and Remove Cart Form
  • Color samples, label and image
  • Built-in live search
  • Quick view of the product
  • Featured Product Video
  • Gallery lightbox for product images
  • Instagram product photos
  • Carga diferida para imágenes de productos
  • Advanced Typography
  • Esquema de color compatible
  • Search products by SKU
  • Blog con mampostería y diseño de lista
  • Unlimited live options
  • Supports mega menu.
  • Different blog layouts
  • YITH Compatible with WooCommerce Wishlist
  • Compatible with MailChimp for WordPress
  • Compatible with Contact Form 7
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Currency Switcher
  • WPML Compatible
  • Complemento de inicio de sesión social de WordPress compatible.
  • Boxed design
  • Insignia del producto (nuevo, en oferta, en oferta, agotado)
  • Children's theme included
  • Order Tracking
  • SEO Ready
  • Responsive & Retina ready
  • Translate ready
  • Reliable support

Obtenga ahora Unero Minimalist AJAX Theme!!

Get rid of your doubts here

You can use any product from our store on as many websites as you like.

Of course, if you buy an individual product, you will get lifetime updates for that purchase.

On the other hand, if you purchase a membership, you will have updates until your membership expires.

Yes, and regarding time, it is usually on average within 24 to 48 business hours.

However, there are times when we have already provided a response and solution in less than a day depending on the case.

No. We don't believe in that format, so you can download as many times as you like. No problem. We pay for high-quality professional storage just to avoid any problems.

No. It is not feasible, since it has already happened to us that the keys fly everywhere, and we can also lose the corresponding accounts.

That said, while all products are original, in the case of products that require a license key to work, we will take care of pre-activating them.

Yes, each product is original. The difference with the author is that we distribute under the GPL GNU V2/3 regulations/license, so we do not provide additional services from the author, such as customizations, etc. We also do not provide license keys (“Key”), and in the case of products that require one to work, we pre-activate them so that they do not require anything and you can use them without problems on the websites you want.

Yes. After paying, you will be able to immediately access your invoice in the “Purchases” section of your user account.

This is why it is important that you properly complete the information requested at the time of payment.

Yes, of course. If there is a problem that we cannot solve, or if there is a problem that is not within our control and does not have a general solution, you will receive, in addition to support, a full refund of your money if necessary.

It is worth noting that there is no guarantee if the product works well and simply was not what you wanted.

There have been times when a person buys a product, the product works perfectly, but they don't like it and want a refund, keeping the product. That is not appropriate.

Now, everything is evaluable and reasonable. Let's use the criteria together.

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