Solution to Common Problems

Below we provide solutions to the most common problems, whether you are new to using WordPress products or an expert. At the end of the day, more than one thing can happen to us at times.

We recommend that you check this section regularly, as we will be constantly adding information.

One of the most common errors when installing a WordPress theme is when we encounter the following message during the installation process:

«Error al instalar un theme «No se ha podido descomprimir el paquete. El tema no tiene la hoja de estilos style.css»

What is causing this error?

This error appears when we have not unzipped the download file before installing the theme. This is because the download contains, in addition to the theme, other files from the author, such as documentation, the child theme, etc.

What should you do?

You simply need to unzip the download file and use the theme file that will be inside.


If you were unable to resolve your case, you can contact us at Support Area, through your user account and we will be happy to help you.

Not being able to import a theme demo can be due to multiple factors, so here are some recommendations and suggestions:

  • Check if you meet the requirements requested by the author. To do this, review the documentation that is usually included in the download itself or in the main options of the theme.
  • Check your PHP version. We recommend using PHP 8.1 for now, as due to the activation processes and the nature of a significant portion of WordPress products, newer versions such as 8.2, 8.3+ still have some issues.
  • Check your PHP configuration. Here is a standard configuration that usually works well with any import process:
    • max_execution_time: 1000
    • max_input_time:  1000
    • max_input_vars: 10000
    • memory_limit: 1024 or 2048
    • post_max_size: 64 MB
    • upload_max_filesize: 64 MB

Below is an actual image of the parameters configured in cpanel.



If you were unable to resolve your case, you can contact Support Area, through your user account and we will be happy to help you.

One of the most common errors when installing a WordPress plugin is when we encounter the following message during the installation process:

“The package could not be unpacked. No plugins were found. The plugin installation failed.”


What is causing this error?

This error appears when we have not unzipped the download file before installing the plugin. This is because the download contains, in addition to the plugin, other files from the author, such as documentation, various information, etc.

What should you do?

You simply need to unzip the download file and use the plugin that will be inside.

If you were unable to resolve your case, you can contact us at Support Area, through your user account and we will be happy to help you.

Si estás utilizando Polylang Pro y deseas hacer uso de la función «Machine Translation» debes saber que de momento only works with Divi.

This information is provided by the author himself. Here is the link with the information:


If you were unable to resolve your case, you can contact us at Support Area, through your user account and we will be happy to help you.

Ya sea en el caso de los «Themes» o «Plugins», hay veces en que el propio autor brinda la posibilidadd de utilizar el producto en diferentes idiomas u hasta ah+i, todo percto, pero en el caso de que no sea el caso, cambiar el idioma al producto se puede hacer básicamente de manera simple, de dos maneras:

  • Option 01: Using a plugin like Loco Translate (or something similar) and translating as desired, manually or automatically. Along these lines, you should know that most products, to automate translation, require you to pay for an API, so consider it.
  • Option 02: Acquiring the product PoeditWhat this product does is allow you to manually and automatically translate .po files, which are the files that authors include so that one can translate the products.  
  • Option 03: Download the file and translate it manually. This option is hardly seen in practice, given how convenient, practical and economical the tools offered by the market are, but it is an option nonetheless.

If our website indicates that the product is activated, but when you use it you realize that it is not, or that it displays a message, or that it simply does not display a message, this is something that can happen. Sometimes products change and the method that worked one day may not necessarily continue to be valid the next day, and in these cases it is necessary to review it. This is something that is typical of the world of GPL products.

In these cases, the first thing is:

  • Clear your website cache just in case.
  • Ir al apartado del producto e ingresar cualquier clave en el apartado, ya que hay veces que un producto puede estar preactivado, pero que simplemente no tomó el «key».

If nothing worked, contact us via support area in your user account and we will be happy to help you.

Si tras instalar y activar el producto, Ninja Security Pro solicita el número de serie, simplemente debes hacer clic en activar la versión gratuita (o de prueba ) y será la versión completa.