Change WordPress Admin Password Through phpMyAdmin

Change WordPress Admin Password in phpMyAdmin

It will not be the first time, much less the last, that you are very quiet one day and you want to access, after a while, a project and you do not remember the administration password. The problem is that you tried to recover the password and the email never arrived, or WordPress directly tells you that the user does not exist.

What do we do?

Fortunately, there is a very simple way to be able to emerge victorious from this situation and that is by changing the password through phpMyAdmin.

Change WordPress Admin Password through phpMyAdmin Step by Step

First, access your hosting, either CPanel or Plesk and go to the database section. In the case of Cpanel, you have a section in the center of your panel options and in the case of Plesk, very similar, under your domain name you will find direct access to your databases.

Change WordPress Admin Password Through phpMyAdmin in Cpanel


Change Wordpress Admin Password Through phpMyAdmin in CPanel

Change WordPress Admin Password Through phpMyAdmin in Plesk

Change Wordpress Admin Password Through phpMyAdmin in Plesk

We are already in phpMyAdmin… and now?

Already inside phpMyAdmin, we will go to the table «your-bd-prefix_users”.

Change Wordpress Admin Password Through phpMyAdmin

Being already in the table, we simply have to select “MD5” in the selector next to varchar and on the right hand side, write our new password.

By the way, remember just in case, take note of the user to avoid any type of problem.

Finally, it is highly recommended to regenerate a strong password from the WordPress user manager, via the backend.

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