GamiPress Points Cards Addon 1.0.2

GamiPress Points Cards Addon

El precio original era: $129.00.El precio actual es: $5.99.

Version: 1.0.2
Category: Plugins
Author: GamiPress
Author Site: Go to Site
Changelog: See
Use Classification: Utilities

GamiPress Points Cards Addon


Allow your users to create points cards to redeem at physical stores.

GamiPress Points Cards Addon gives you the possibility of bringing your users the possibility of extracting their points and using them in physical places through QR codes.

Additionally, GamiPress Points Cards Addon comes with full merchant management with apps, manual approval/rejection, merchant listing, and a merchant area.

In just a few minutes you can have a complete system to extend the gamification of your site to physical places!

How does GamiPress Points Cards Addon work?

On the user side:

  • Any user can use a card generator form to extract a number of points, for example, 100 points.
  • The user receives an email with the code that identifies this points card (support for QR codes).
  • The user can go to any of the partner businesses to redeem the points card!

Note- Administrators can set an automatic expiration for points cards to force redemption over a period of time.

On the trade side:

  • Any user registered on your site can apply as a business through an application form.
  • Administrators can review any request received to accept or reject it.
  • Any approved merchant will have a code to use on redemption forms.
  • Approved merchants can be listed in the merchant listing block, shortcode, or widget.
  • The business can redeem the cards in 2 ways:
    1. Scanning a QR code that automatically redeems the points card.
    2. In the commerce area, the business has an exchange form to easily redeem cards by entering the code that appears at the bottom of the QR code.
  • Merchants will receive an instant notification if the points card is valid, has already been redeemed or has expired and will accumulate the points stored on the card.

Note: The merchants feature is completely optional and can be disabled at any time.


And much more!


Buy GamiPress Points Cards Addon now.

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