Olsen Pro WordPress Theme 2.8.3

Olsen Pro WordPress Theme

El precio original era: $174.00.El precio actual es: $5.99.

Version: 2.8.3
Category: Themes
Author: CSSIgniter
Author Site: Go to Site
Changelog: See
Use Classification: Blog and Magazine

Olsen Pro WordPress Theme


Stunning blogging theme for WordPress.
Specially designed for fashion and lifestyle bloggers, Olsen guarantees the smoothest reading experience.


Features of Olsen Pro WordPress Theme

  • Flexible headers
  • Customizable footers
  • Build with blocks
  • Seamless integration with Elementor
  • Maximum performance
  • WooCommerce

Powered by our robust theme framework, Ignition

  • Global Sections
    Design sections once (you can design sections using the block editor or Elementor) and use them multiple times through the Global Sections system. You will definitely love it.
  • Create your own color combination
    Create unique color combinations that perfectly match your brands using the color options built into the Customizer. Globally modify theme colors or adjust the scheme in certain sections of the theme like top bar, header, footer, etc.
  • google fonts
    Quickly modify the theme's font pair by choosing your preferred font families from the dozens of Google Fonts available. Additionally, you can adjust the font properties of key sections of the theme, all from the Customizer.


Buy Olsen Pro WordPress Theme now.

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