Google Product Reviews Feed 1.4.2

Google Product Reviews Feed

El precio original era: $49.00.El precio actual es: $5.99.

Versión: 1.4.2
Categoría: Plugins
Autor: Woocommerce
Sitio del Autor: Ir al Sitio
Clasificación de Uso: Utilidades Ecommerce

WooCommerce Google Product Review Feed for Google Shopping Ads


Display star ratings below your Google Shopping Ads and boost shopper confidence and help increase the click-through rate on your ads. Google Product Reviews Feed extension generates a product review feed url that you can submit through the Google Merchant Center. Your reviews will be matched up with your products in Google Shopping and the ratings will appear below your shopping ads.

Google Product Reviews Feed extension does the following:

  1. Generates an XML review feed that Google will fetch on a scheduled basis.
  2. Gives you the ability to choose the unique product identifier (GTIN) to include in the review feed.
  3. Gives you control over which products reviews to include in the feed.


Adquiera hoy Google Product Reviews Feed.

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